Purpose to Ritual, Value of Harmony — How the Hanfu Movement changes and challenges modern morality

Hanfu - a symbol of a reflective and conscious people?

Source: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/743843382 (【随想】礼之用,和为贵(昨日羊肉串事件随想) by 月曜使·檀越之) English title: [Random thoughts] Purpose of Ritual, Value of Harmony – Thoughts after yesterday’s lamb skewer event; by Yueyaoshi*Tanyuezhi

http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1337580509?pn=3 (深衣出门九小时【带图片预告】 by 容漱雪凌紫冥) (post 61-64)
English title: Nine hours wearing a Shenyi outside [with picture preview] by Rongshu Xueling Zhiming

Translated by Satsuki Shizuka for Torguqin.wordpress.com

Translator’s foreward: As the year 2011 comes to a close, comes a time for us to think back and make some conclusions on our doings and faults over the past year. Since Wang Letian’s expedition in September 2003, the cultural scape of a rapidly modernizing (or Westernizing, as some claim) China has gradually shifted towards thinking of a culturally, environmentally, and humanely sensitive future, rather one solely dependent on economy and efficiency.

Here I bring two stories of how a common Chinese person, through understanding and putting into practice a respect for his or her own tradition, can become proactive members in developing mutual respect and dignity for other people and cultures, and truly become world citizens and upholding global peace. Their actions may be personal, but the power of one is great when it is modelled by all by sheer virtue.


Remember to subscribe!


This is an Official Announcement of the TQS.

A few members have expressed that they have not received detailed information about the yaji (such as address and time). I would like to remind all that despite the EMAIL updates by the subscribe button, it does NOT update itself by sending you a new email when the post gets EDITED for new information.

Since TQS also operates by Facebook, be sure to join the Guqin – 古琴 (Guqin International) group, as all TQS events are posted there, and the system DOES give updates to whatever changes that are being made to that said page. Also, it helps us to tally who is going, so we can arrange the proper amenities.

In the future, we will look into making more posts to notify everyone of these smaller changes, so that you don’t miss out on the action!

TQS/TCO Joint Performance @ Evergreen Farmer’s Market, January 21, 2012

What are we up to?

 In celebration of the 2012/4710 Chinese New Year of the Water Dragon, the Toronto Guqin Society (TQS) has partnered up with the Toronto Chinese Orchestra (TCO) and Mr. William Ho of The ONE Gallery in Unionville, to bring you authentic traditional ritual music used in the Guanli coming-of-age ceremony. Recorded in High-Definition, this is the first time since TQS performed the piece in partnership with the Chinese Students and Scholars Associations of Ontario Universities (CSSAOU) in the 60th anniversary of the PRC in 2009.

The three stages of the coming-of-age ceremony are reflected by the three pieces of music used – consecutive pieces “Lu Ming”, “Si Mu” and “Huanghuang Zhe Hua” from the “Small Elegant Airs” section of the Book of Poetry. The score used is the Imperial Commissioned Score of the Book of Poetry, titled by Qianlong of the Qing period (in the 18th century). The score was part of a larger cultural reform at the time, and the republication of the work in the Republican era (early 20th century) did not make any amendments. Juni Yeung from TQS has spent two years in studying the system, in attempt to revert the changes from the 14-pitch scale back to the 12-pitch one, and strike a balance with contemporary instrumental and performance contexts.

 TQS and TCO will be publically performing these pieces on Saturday, January 21, 2012, from 10AM to 11:30am, at Evergreen Brick Works, 550 Bayview Ave., Toronto, ON, M4W 3X8. Music lovers, families, and curious minds are encouraged to attend and experience this rare opportunity in celebration of the year of the dragon! This celebration will take place during the weekly Farmers’ Market. For more information, see:

Toronto Guqin Society: https://torguqin.wordpress.com
Evergreen Brick Works Farmers’ Market: http://ebw.evergreen.ca/whats-on/farmers-market#jan21


為迎接公元2012年﹑黃帝4710壬辰龍年之際﹐多倫多古琴社以高清高質視聽錄像模式﹐與多倫多中樂團在和萬錦於人村歷史Main街區『壹藝軒』何靖恆老師再度合作 , 為全球華人送上傳統成人冠笄禮的禮樂。這是繼2009年多倫多古琴社與安省高校中國學生學者聯誼會(CSSAOU) 協辦『中國風﹐海外情』國慶60周年暨中秋晚會中『成人禮』(冠禮笈禮)表演之后﹐再度隆重推出傳統雅樂演奏節目.

冠禮笈禮三加所用之音樂為《詩經﹕小雅》的連續三首《鹿鳴》﹑《四牡》﹑《皇皇者華》。使用的樂譜為清代《乾隆欽定詩經樂譜》﹐為當時禮樂制度改革的一部份。民國年間這本《詩經樂譜》公開出版, 並無對清代版本作任何改動。多倫多古琴社社長楊雪亭耗時兩年對古代樂制潜心研究﹐並且嘗試把十四律制音樂轉換回現代十二律制﹑並且找尋現代民族樂器律制之間的平衡。

 多倫多古琴社將於2012年1月21日(周六)上午10:00時至11時30分﹐在Evergreen Brick Works國家常青自然文化社區中心(550 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON M4W 3X8 Canada)向公眾推出中國傳統雅樂和古琴音樂演奏活動﹐歡迎愛好音樂的家庭来參與﹐齊接喜慶水龍年﹗屆時本節目將與當地每週農夫市場(Farmers’ Market)同時進行。

詳情請瀏覽以下網站﹕多倫多古琴社https://torguqin.wordpress.com, 常青會農夫市場http://ebw.evergreen.ca/whats-on/farmers-market#jan21

Below is a sneak preview of what’s to come: More

Meetings, music, and more meetings!

What are we up to?

For those wondering what TQS has been up to these days, the picture on the right gives a little hint for what is about to come — and here’s a hint, it’ll be online, and you’ll see it soon.

A big kudos to the great human beings in this picture (from left):
Front row: Yanyan Zhu, (Helen Wu), Esther Zhang, Rainbow Xu, Thomas Yun
Back row: Mr. Xu, Frederick Yiu, William Ho, Juni Yeung, Jason Ye
In other news, here are two dates to mark down for upcoming events and gatherings:
– Thursday, December 22, 2011 (Dongzhi, Winter Solstice)
We will be holding a (smaller) gathering, honouring our tradition of holding a meeting on that day, sharing great music and a great (vegan-friendly) hot pot dinner! Update: http://www.facebook.com/events/340699389290536/
Address: Esther Zhang’s Place, 75 Iangrove Terrace, Toronto, ON
– Saturday, January 21, 2012 (Just before 4710 Chinese New Year)
We are organizing yet another major public event, in collaboration with the Toronto Chinese Orchestra and Evergreen Brick Works! Again, stay tuned for more details.
Remember, always stay tuned to TorGuqin events by subscribing to this blog (see upper right hand corner)!


December 2011