UofT Clubs Day Sept.5

Once again, that time of year has arrived.

That was quite a while ago.

That was quite a while ago.

For the fourth year, I will be organizing a booth for the spreading of Chinese culture and info on Hanfu during the UTSU Clubs Day on Friday, Sept.5, 2008, in front of UC, from 11AM to 2PM.

If you are looking at this site as a result of checking the address on the pamphlet, read more.


Recent Works of the Written Word

v.2 of the submission

v.2 of the submission

These are some recent personal works for the written word: The calligraphy on the left is for submitting to a guqin maker in Guangzhou to inscribe onto a new instrument. The name can be roughly translated as “Azure Ripples Clearing out Snow”.
And out of a midnight creative frenzy, I (half) procrastinated and wrote a poem in thinking of a certain someone:

子夜對盞獨輕歌 無縵以操仍絃動
明知再朝又念忘 香燈繼燃待日晷
遑傲聿 繪百合
遠枕衾 寄廣寒
思長千里東海外 莫教歎於聲

A bit personal, but somewhat worthy to share too.

CPAC Chinese Summer Festival

This is posted just one hour before the actual event. I will be going to Adventure Valley (Steeles/Leslie) to promote traditional Chinese culture and clothing. Of significant note is a coming-of-age ceremony for Danny Xian, symbolizing recognition by the community as an adult.


On Double Faceboard in Qin Instruments of Upper-Antiquity and Tight Edge Binding

On Double Faceboard in Qin Instruments of Upper-Antiquity and Tight Edge Binding

By Tong Kin-Woon

Translated by Juni Lefeuille Yeung

* NOTE: “Upper Antiquity Qin Instruments” refers generally here as Tang to early Ming instruments.


Yaji on August 23rd, 2008

This is a notice that there will be an elegant gathering in Puppetmongers Theatre (1110 Dundas St. E), Toronto on above mentioned date, from 11AM to 3PM.

Bring food! As this will be a potluck gathering.
And bring friends too! We always appreciate friends who appreciate the art.
If you play another chamber music, bring that too, and share it with us!

More on what happens when the event is over.

A list of previous gatherings by TorGuqin

Before the inception of this site, we actually exist! (*gasp!*)
Since 2005, I’ve been trying to pull together the guqin community in the GTA by several methods:
  1. Create and maintain census data on all qin players, including school lineage, practice years, contact information, and how many qins they have.
  2. Organize regular meetings, much similar to what they do in China (we’re getting more regular now)
  3. (Soon to happen?) Promote guqin out to the community via community activities.


The supposed beginning…that wasn’t until now.

Just to make sure youre on the same page as us.

Just to make sure you're on the same page as us.

It all began from the email in June from UofT Student Affairs, informing all clubs with their websites under their servers that no longer will they accept the FTP uploaded sites (and many with Perl/CGI scripts), and eventually wiping it all out by the end of the coming school year.

So rather than taking the route of buying a new dot com and colocated webspace, here it is, the new home of Toronto’s guqin and (possibly?) Chinese culture revival movement.


August 2008