Our wits may be running dry…

Shen Xinhai (1855-1941). "停琴仕女圖" (Portrait of a Servant-lady Pausing from Qin-playing). Created in 1898.

 When this site was first founded, our basic mandate was to prove that “Guqin =/= Guzheng”, and we’ve made an (de)motivational poster gag about it. For that, TorGuqin would like to thank the Facebook International Qin Society for their collective effort on pitching in witty and snarky comments on the behaviour.

Courtesy of Mr. Muka Fushimi of Kamakura Qin Society, here we have yet another specimen ripe for such a play. However, we haven’t come up with a line that delivers enough punch. We want you to think up of a line to show your love of this totally boring transcendent tradition and pack a punch at it!

Here’s what we have so far:

Shuengit Chow: ‎:) what most “forced to play the qin” students are like most of the time, very honest painting.
title of painting: “I love guqin”. 🙂 [TL: Yes…zzzzzZZZZZZzzzz]
John Thompson: She really wants to play but her little sister is snoring too loudly. << [TL: I’m sure that’s a boy there…]
Juni L Yeung  “An Ox’s Mind – The censer does nothing!”

So, give your wits a little sharpening, and scribble your ideas in reply below!

July Yaji notice

Greetings, fellow TorGuqin members and friends;

Mark your calendars for our next gathering on Sunday, July 17, 2011, at 2PM to 5PM, at Longyin Qin Studio (Yanyan Zhu’s place)! Please RSVP via reply here or email jt_revolution (at) hotmail (dot) com for confirming your availability!

Asides from the usual tea and music circle, we will also be presenting our latest CDs and experiences in qin repair/maintenance. We also welcome any poems, ideas, or chamber music performances to join us, so please RSVP today!



July 2011